OGA Associate Level Course Part 1
The 70-hour (8-day) Associate Level course will address the history and structure of the English language. This course is divided into two sections, Part 1 (35 hours and Part 2 (35 hours).
Trainees will develop a deeper understanding of phonology, orthography, and advanced morphology. Written expression, vocabulary development, comprehension, and grammar will also be addressed. A variety of formal and informal assessments will be presented and analyzed. Trainees will learn how to develop a flexible Orton-Gillingham sequence and lesson planning strategies. There will be synchronous (live) and asynchronous (independent) work. This course follows the curriculum and guidelines of the Orton Gillingham Academy (OGA) coursework and can also be applicable towards certification for the International Dyslexia Association (IDA). Upon completion of the course, trainees may continue on to an optional 100-hour practicum working 1:1 with a student (at an additional cost).
Tier 3 teachers, special educators, individuals looking to work 1:1 with students with dyslexia or other language-based learning disabilities, or individuals who want to learn more in depth about the OG approach.
- 100 hours minimum supervised practicum
- Occur over a minimum of eight consecutive months. Kim Nau requires that the practicum be completed between 8-15 months.
- Work with a student, 1:1 for 40-60 minute lessons, at a minimum of twice a week, on nonconsecutive days, or 30-minute lessons four to five times a week
- A minimum of 10 observations teaching complete lessons to one student (If you do 30- minute lessons, an observation consists of two consecutive lessons). Some trainees may require more than 10 observations. Written and oral feedback will be provided after each observation.
- The practicum student does not need to have been formally tested, but relevant information from parents, teachers, and the educational history should demonstrate characteristics consistent with a primary diagnosis of language-based reading disorder/dyslexia. Reading difficulties should be the student’s primary issue; at the Associate level, an appropriate student should not have multiple comorbidities such as receptive or expressive language problems, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), behavioral difficulties, and/or low cognitive scores. An Associate level trainee should be working at a foundational level, e.g. sound/symbol, phonemic awareness, syllable division, and spelling rules/generalizations.
- Required readings: https://www.ortonacademy.org/training-certification/associate-level/
- *There is an additional cost to participate in the practicum. This fee is paid when each observation is submitted. The fee includes: reviewing the recording of the video lesson, written feedback, and a Zoom meeting to discuss progress.